Sunday, November 16, 2008

*~*Tagged Again*~*

8 TV shows I like to watch:

1. House
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Friends
4. Everybody Love's Raymond
5. That 70's Show
6. House Hunters
7. Unique Whips
8. Forensic Files

8 Things that happened yesterday:

1. Woke Up
2. Read The Rest of Twilight
3. Made French Toast
4. Cut Rhett's Hair
5. Threw My Hips Out
6. Cried Like A Little Girl
7. Watched TV
8. Went To bed at 1030

8 Favorite places to eat:

1. Chili's
2. Red Robin
3. Fiesta Mexicana
4. Olive Garden
5. Barro's Pizza
6. Fizzoli's
7. Street's of New York
8. In and Out Burger

8 Things I am looking forward to:

1. Thanksgiving
2. Christmas
3. Moving Back Down To Mesa
4. Little Road Trips with Rhett
5. Going back to school for my RN
6. Any day's off I get
7. Time with Rhett
8. Time with Family

8 Things on my "Wish List":

1. I didn't have to work two jobs
2. We were completely debt free
3. That we were already living in Mesa
4. To go on Vacation
5. To travel to all my "I want to see before I die" places.
6. To not have hip problems like I do.
7. To be more active
8. That Rhett could make friends easy