Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Busy Little Bug Of Mine!

So this little boy of mine keeps me on my toes. He is wanting to always get into everything he can. He loves to play with things that have buttons especially the TV and then when he turns it off he takes of crawling as fast as he can because he knows he's in trouble for touching it. Just here recently he has found the diaper wipes and decided to pull half of them out of the box and play with them. I had diaper wipes EVERYWHERE. Two days later I was still finding wipes from where he hid them. He is so fun though to have in our lives and don't know what we'd do with out him. The house never looks like it did before he came because there is baby stuff in every nook and cranny. Kyson is now trying more and more each day to try to walk and he is succeeding but he gives up after a few steps because he's not getting to where he wants to go to very fast that way so he gets down and crawls. Kyson loves to dance to music and it doesn't matter whether it's an actual song playing or if it's a commercial but he'll dance to it. He is so funny to watch dance he gets his groove on like no other baby I've seen at this age.
Here are some photo's of him and hopefully the video at the end will play.
Just got done pulling the diaper wipes out.

Oh he had so much fun with them. He yelled at me for spoiling his fun later that day by taking them all away.

Oh does he love play with our Tupperware lids and cookie cutters.

This little man of mine loves to take bathes and gets cranky if he doesn't get his daily one.

Momma spiked his hair and thought it was cute and had to take pictures.

My camera Ham.

My little poser baby.

This is what I deal with everyday. He loves to climb on to anything and everything.

Momma got him ready for church and he hated to have all that clothing on him.

But he looked so handsome.

Sorry about the video being sideways but I couldn't get it to turn upright.