Tuesday, February 3, 2009

*~*First Dr's Appointment*~*

So Rhett and I went to our first Dr's appointment yesterday. Dr. Tindall was wonderful as always with me and made Rhett feel like if he had any questions that we could call him no matter what time of day. I had an ultrasound done to make sure my dates were correct and it came off three days younger then what I am by the dates. Dr. Tindall said that we would just stick with September 19th as our due date because they were so close together anyhow. So while in getting the ultrasound we got to hear our precious babies heartbeat for the first time and it was just so touching. We cant wait till we get further along so we can feel the baby kick. Also for when we can hold our baby. But we just thought we'd let you all know of our exciting news.

If you can see that little peanut looking thing that's our baby. The head is on top and then it has two little arm buds then the feet. Even though it's small and you cant see to much it's still so cute.


Hudson Clan said...

So Cool! Congrats on the little peanut!!!

Julianna and Mark Weeks and Family said...

Well having looked at a few myself, I can so see it. very excited for you and take of the both of you and keep us posted.