Friday, February 27, 2009

Just Jaberin

I know we haven't posted anything new since the Dr's visit but since then we've just been really busy with working. I quit working at the gas station the week of Valentines day and just picked up two extra shifts at the hospital. I'm making quite a bit more at the hospital for twelve hours then I was at the gas station in general. Rhett is still working for Josh at Black Diamond Auto Glass. We both are wanting to go back to school to further our education and to better ourselves in the jobs we want.

So far I'm doing great with the pregnancy. I'm just really tired all the time but that's to be expected. My body is working overtime all the time. I haven't got the morning sickness everyone keeps telling me about. I've only been sick when I took my vitamins without food and couldn't keep those down and when I drink orange juice to fast. Other than that we are just chuggin along. My belly is getting big already and we've been seeing stretch marks come out around my belly button. I blame genetics for that one. Rhett loves to lay by me and just rub my belly. He is going to be a great father.

Our next Dr's appointment is March 4th so we'll have more news to bring to you then and maybe another picture. We are very excited about our baby and how it keeps growing day by day.


Julianna and Mark Weeks and Family said...

well glad to hear everything's ok, I didn't have any morning sickness either. I think it's something in the pre-natals. lol. well good luck and keep us updated.